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TopicsDESIGNADVANCED TOOLS FOR EARLY PRODUCT DESIGNDesign characterization and automatic identification of character lines in automotive fieldBAGASSI, Sara; LUCCHI, Francesca; PERSIANI, Franco University of BolognaCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceProposal of a data-base to support the embodyment design phaseROSA, Francesco; ROVIDA, Edoardo; VIGANO, Roberto Politecnico di MilanoAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaAssociative modeling of manufacturing information in CAD-SystemsFASSI FIHRI, Nabil; GOTTWALD, Martin; DENEUX, Dominique; BOHN, Martin ENSIAME / DAIMLERAlelhomology between conicsFERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Manuel Universidad de OviedoCONCEPTUAL DESIGNAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaCREATIVITYDesign characterization and automatic identification of character lines in automotive fieldBAGASSI, Sara; LUCCHI, Francesca; PERSIANI, Franco University of BolognaAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaGLOBAL DESIGN TOOLS, METHODS AND TECHNIQUESCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaProposal of a data-base to support the embodyment design phaseROSA, Francesco; ROVIDA, Edoardo; VIGANO, Roberto Politecnico di MilanoA global approach of the intermediary object: A case study in virtual environmentAL KHATIB, Ahmad; MAHDJOUB, Morad; BLUNTZER, Jean-Bernard; SAGOT, Jean-Claude. Université de technologie Belfort-MontbéliardAlelhomology between conicsFERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Manuel Universidad de OviedoImproving Passive Safety of Sports Equipment through Experimental Testing of New Protection DevicesCOSTABILE, Gianluca; AMODEO, Giuseppe; LANZOTTI, Antonio; MARTORELLI, Massimo; ODENWALD, Stephan; SCHWANITZ, Stepan University of Naples Federico II, Dept of Industrial EngineeringHUMAN CENTER DESIGNDesign characterization and automatic identification of character lines in automotive fieldBAGASSI, Sara; LUCCHI, Francesca; PERSIANI, Franco University of BolognaStudy of the product - services design and environment influence on the elderlys daily lifeMORER CAMO, Paz; GONZÁLEZ ZUAZO, Itziar NavarraAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaA global approach of the intermediary object: A case study in virtual environmentAL KHATIB, Ahmad; MAHDJOUB, Morad; BLUNTZER, Jean-Bernard; SAGOT, Jean-Claude. Université de technologie Belfort-MontbéliardDesigning usable interface for people with dementiaCECCACCI, Silvia; GERMANI, Michele; MENGONI, Maura Università Politecnica delle MarcheINDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND ERGONOMICSStudy of the product - services design and environment influence on the elderlys daily lifeMORER CAMO, Paz; GONZÁLEZ ZUAZO, Itziar NavarraAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaA global approach of the intermediary object: A case study in virtual environmentAL KHATIB, Ahmad; MAHDJOUB, Morad; BLUNTZER, Jean-Bernard; SAGOT, Jean-Claude. Université de technologie Belfort-MontbéliardDesign of a cordless hair dryer productRODRIGUEZ QUIJADA, Constanza; DE CÓZAR MACÍAS, Óscar David; CASTILLO RUEDA, Francisca José; LADRÓN DE GUEVARA LÓPEZ, Isidro; BLÁZQUEZ PARRA, Elidia Beatriz UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGADesign of a Cupola to Download ConcreteMIRALBES, Ramon; RANZ, David; COMAS, Roger; SANTOLAYA, Jose Luis University of ZaragozaINTERACTIVE DESIGNAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaA new methodology to evaluate the flying shape of a sailINGRASSIA, Tommaso; NIGRELLI, Vincenzo; GELSOMINO, Gabriella Università degli Studi di PalermoINTERACTIVE EXPLORATION OF DESIGN SPACESTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaINTERFACES FOR INTERACTIVE DESIGNCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceMobile device application to calculate and simulate energy expenditure in households using CAD toolsÁLVAREZ PEÑÍN, Pedro Ignacio; BUSTO PARRA, Bernardo; PANDO CERRA, Pablo OviedoDesigning usable interface for people with dementiaCECCACCI, Silvia; GERMANI, Michele; MENGONI, Maura Università Politecnica delle MarcheMODELS FOR INTERACTIVE DESIGN TECHNIQUES AND QUALIFICATIONTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaA new methodology to evaluate the flying shape of a sailINGRASSIA, Tommaso; NIGRELLI, Vincenzo; GELSOMINO, Gabriella Università degli Studi di PalermoREDESIGNDesign characterization and automatic identification of character lines in automotive fieldBAGASSI, Sara; LUCCHI, Francesca; PERSIANI, Franco University of BolognaSIMULATION FOR DESIGNCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceAnalytical study of an interference fit fastener assemblyPAREDES, Manuel; SARTOR, Marc; NEFISSI, Naoufel INSA, Institut Clément AderA Finite Element Method to support the materials selection phase during the insole design processMANDOLINI, Marco; GERMANI, Michele; RAFFAELI, Roberto Università Politecnica delle MarcheImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of Girona3D Land Models with simple modeling toolsSANTAMARÍA, Jacinto; SANZ, Félix UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJAA new methodology to evaluate the flying shape of a sailINGRASSIA, Tommaso; NIGRELLI, Vincenzo; GELSOMINO, Gabriella Università degli Studi di PalermoPRODUCT ENGINEERINGCOLLABORATIVE PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURINGImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaDesign of a Cupola to Download ConcreteMIRALBES, Ramon; RANZ, David; COMAS, Roger; SANTOLAYA, Jose Luis University of ZaragozaErgonomic design of an object detector device for blind peopleLENGUA, Ismael; DUNAI, Larisa; PERIS FAJARNÉS, Guillermo ; DEFEZ, Beatriz Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaGEOMETRIC AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF PRODUCTSVerification of positional tolerances with a 3D non-contact measurement methodMINGUEZ, Rikardo; ARIAS, Agustin; ETXANIZ, Olatz; SOLABERRIETA, Eneko; BARRENETXEA, Lander; OLANO Aitor University of the Basque Country UPV/EHUFreeform surfaces adaptation through developable strips.GONZALEZ QUINTIAL, Francisco; SANCHEZ PARANDIET, Antonio UPV-EHUModelling of the crumpling process of a paper sheetROHMER, Serge; MERAT, Alexis; FLODERER, Vincent; COPINET, Alain University of Technology of TroyesA graph-based approach to CAD modeling: a digital pattern application to the sizing and modeling of manual transverse gearboxesLANZOTTI, Antonio; PATALANO, Stanislao; VITOLO, Ferdinando UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES FEDERICO IIOptimal dimensioning for the transmission shaft of a longitudinal gearboxGERBINO, S; LANZOTTI, S.; PATALANO, S.; RUFRANO, V.; VITOLO, F UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES FEDERICO II, UNIVERSITY OF MOLISEAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaMasonry Vaults: The efficiency of geometryFORTEA, Manuel; REYES, Antonio Manuel; CANITO, José Luis; GARCÍA, Justo Universidad de ExtremaduraAssociative modeling of manufacturing information in CAD-SystemsFASSI FIHRI, Nabil; GOTTWALD, Martin; DENEUX, Dominique; BOHN, Martin ENSIAME / DAIMLERTowards new processes to reverse engineering of digital mock-ups from a set of heterogeneous dataBRUNEAU, Marina; DURUPT, Alexandre; ROUCOULES, Lionel; PERNOT, Jean-Philippe Université de Technologie de CompiègneDesign of a Cupola to Download ConcreteMIRALBES, Ramon; RANZ, David; COMAS, Roger; SANTOLAYA, Jose Luis University of ZaragozaINTEGRATED PRODUCT AND PROCESSES DESIGNFreeform surfaces adaptation through developable strips.GONZALEZ QUINTIAL, Francisco; SANCHEZ PARANDIET, Antonio UPV-EHUAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaRISK PREVENTION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR GLOBAL DESIGN MANUFACTURINGDesign of a Cupola to Download ConcreteMIRALBES, Ramon; RANZ, David; COMAS, Roger; SANTOLAYA, Jose Luis University of ZaragozaPROCESS ENGINEERINGADVANCED MANUFACTURINGVerification of positional tolerances with a 3D non-contact measurement methodMINGUEZ, Rikardo; ARIAS, Agustin; ETXANIZ, Olatz; SOLABERRIETA, Eneko; BARRENETXEA, Lander; OLANO Aitor University of the Basque Country UPV/EHUFreeform surfaces adaptation through developable strips.GONZALEZ QUINTIAL, Francisco; SANCHEZ PARANDIET, Antonio UPV-EHUENGINEERING METHODS IN MEDICINEHuman skeletal system virtualization by using solid voxels modelsALONSO, Jorge; ÁLVAREZ, Rafael; ROCES, Jorge Universidad de OviedoGREEN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND INNOVATIONAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaINSPECTION AND REVERSE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUESVerification of positional tolerances with a 3D non-contact measurement methodMINGUEZ, Rikardo; ARIAS, Agustin; ETXANIZ, Olatz; SOLABERRIETA, Eneko; BARRENETXEA, Lander; OLANO Aitor University of the Basque Country UPV/EHUKNOWLEDGE BASED ENGINEERINGTowards new processes to reverse engineering of digital mock-ups from a set of heterogeneous dataBRUNEAU, Marina; DURUPT, Alexandre; ROUCOULES, Lionel; PERNOT, Jean-Philippe Université de Technologie de CompiègneREVERSE ENGINEERINGTowards new processes to reverse engineering of digital mock-ups from a set of heterogeneous dataBRUNEAU, Marina; DURUPT, Alexandre; ROUCOULES, Lionel; PERNOT, Jean-Philippe Université de Technologie de CompiègneAlelhomology between conicsFERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Manuel Universidad de OviedoROBUST MANUFACTURINGErgonomic design of an object detector device for blind peopleLENGUA, Ismael; DUNAI, Larisa; PERIS FAJARNÉS, Guillermo ; DEFEZ, Beatriz Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaMANAGEMENTREPRESENTATION TECHNIQUESImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAAlelhomology between conicsFERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, Manuel Universidad de OviedoMobile device application to calculate and simulate energy expenditure in households using CAD toolsÁLVAREZ PEÑÍN, Pedro Ignacio; BUSTO PARRA, Bernardo; PANDO CERRA, Pablo OviedoNew trends in e-learning platforms and content management for learning in engineeringLENGUA, Ismael; DUNAI, Larisa; PERIS FAJARNÉS, Guillermo ; DEFEZ, Beatriz Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaEngineering and Architecture Applications based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVCARVAJAL, Fernando; AGÜERA, Francisco; PÉREZ, Mónica University of AlmeriaLEARNING AND KNOWLEDGEADAPTATION TO THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA (EHEA)Comparative analysis of a university learning experience. Classroom mode versus distance mode.FÁBREGAS RUESCAS, Juan José; HERNANDEZ ABAD, Francisco; HERNANDEZ ABAD, Vicente; ROJAS SOLA, José Ignacio Universidad Politécnica de CataluñaTeaching methodology of the subject Graphic Expression using Web - based CAD toolsPANDO CERRA, Pablo; ÁLVAREZ PEÑÍN, Pedro Ignacio; BUSTO PARRA, Bernardo Universidad de OviedoIncorporation of constructivist techniques for the improvement of the tutored teaching in computer based classroomsROCES, Jorge; ÁLVAREZ, Rafael; ALONSO, Jorge Universidad de OviedoImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHATeaching practice for subjects of graphic expression through project-based learningMARÍN GRANADOS, Manuel Damián; BLÁZQUEZ PARRA, Elidia Beatriz; GUTIERREZ ARIZA, Francisco Javier; LADRÓN DE GUEVARA MUÑOZ, Mª Luisa; LADRÓN DE GUEVARA MUÑOZ, Mª Carmen UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGAGEOMETRIC MODELING AND ANALYSISTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaFreeform surfaces adaptation through developable strips.GONZALEZ QUINTIAL, Francisco; SANCHEZ PARANDIET, Antonio UPV-EHUAn Algorithm for Complex Surfaces Modelling Using MatLabPÉREZ VÁZQUEZ, Manuel; VÁZQUEZ PAZ, José Universidade de VigoGEOMETRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND TOLERANCESAssociative modeling of manufacturing information in CAD-SystemsFASSI FIHRI, Nabil; GOTTWALD, Martin; DENEUX, Dominique; BOHN, Martin ENSIAME / DAIMLERKnowledge driven verification of positional tolerancesCONCHERI, Gianmaria; MILANESE, Vitaliano (2) Università di Padova (1), Università di Udine (2)RENEWING THE EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES OF TECHNICAL DRAWING AND OTHER ASSOCIATED SUBJECTSTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaComparative analysis of a university learning experience. Classroom mode versus distance mode.FÁBREGAS RUESCAS, Juan José; HERNANDEZ ABAD, Francisco; HERNANDEZ ABAD, Vicente; ROJAS SOLA, José Ignacio Universidad Politécnica de CataluñaTeaching methodology of the subject Graphic Expression using Web - based CAD toolsPANDO CERRA, Pablo; ÁLVAREZ PEÑÍN, Pedro Ignacio; BUSTO PARRA, Bernardo Universidad de OviedoIncorporation of constructivist techniques for the improvement of the tutored teaching in computer based classroomsROCES, Jorge; ÁLVAREZ, Rafael; ALONSO, Jorge Universidad de OviedoThe educational use of CAD tools for technology educationLAVABRE, Renaud; LABEILLE, Didier; BONZOM Christian; STEPHAN, Pierre Institut Clément Ader (ICA / ToulouseNew trends in e-learning platforms and content management for learning in engineeringLENGUA, Ismael; DUNAI, Larisa; PERIS FAJARNÉS, Guillermo ; DEFEZ, Beatriz Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaTEACHING PRODUCT DESIGN AND TECHNICAL DRAWING HISTORYA coherent teaching program for a course of product design at master degree levelRIZZUTI, Sergio University of Calabria - DIMEGEvolution of the graphic representation of utility networks in urban planning plansGOMIS S., Jordi; TURÓN R., Carlos Universitat Rovira i VirgiliImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAThe educational use of CAD tools for technology educationLAVABRE, Renaud; LABEILLE, Didier; BONZOM Christian; STEPHAN, Pierre Institut Clément Ader (ICA / ToulouseTOLERANCE AND DESIGN MANUFACTURINGAssociative modeling of manufacturing information in CAD-SystemsFASSI FIHRI, Nabil; GOTTWALD, Martin; DENEUX, Dominique; BOHN, Martin ENSIAME / DAIMLERVIRTUAL REALITY, MODELINGADVANCED PROTOTYPINGCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceFreeform surfaces adaptation through developable strips.GONZALEZ QUINTIAL, Francisco; SANCHEZ PARANDIET, Antonio UPV-EHUMethod for 3D printing of highly complex geometries: The first flat torus printed in 3DHENOCQUE, Thierry; MARIN Philippe University of Grenoble / AIP Primeca Dauphine-SavoieBEHAVIORAL SIMULATIONAnalytical study of an interference fit fastener assemblyPAREDES, Manuel; SARTOR, Marc; NEFISSI, Naoufel INSA, Institut Clément AderA new methodology to evaluate the flying shape of a sailINGRASSIA, Tommaso; NIGRELLI, Vincenzo; GELSOMINO, Gabriella Università degli Studi di PalermoINTERACTIVE VIRTUALCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceMETHODS AND SIMULATION FOR ASSEMBLY DESIGNImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAPLMImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHATowards new processes to reverse engineering of digital mock-ups from a set of heterogeneous dataBRUNEAU, Marina; DURUPT, Alexandre; ROUCOULES, Lionel; PERNOT, Jean-Philippe Université de Technologie de CompiègneSIMULATION AND VIRTUAL APPROACHESCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceSurvey of jointed rock mass from 3D point clouds for the wedge stability analysisMENÉNDEZ DÍAZ, Agustín; ORDÓÑEZ GALÁN, Celestino; BOUZA RODRÍGUEZ, Benito; GARCÍA CORTÉS, Silverio Universidad de OviedoPerformance Evaluation of CUDA programming for machining simulationABECASSIS, Felix; LAVERNHE, Sylvain; TOURNIER, Christophe; BOUCARD, Pierre-Alain Ecole Normale Supérieure de CachanImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAVirtual simulation of chimney shaft of ValdeazoguesALMANSA, Emiliano; FUENTES, Demetrio; MONTES TUBIO, Francisco de Paula; CASTRO, Miguel. UCLM / UCO3D Land Models with simple modeling toolsSANTAMARÍA, Jacinto; SANZ, Félix UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJAVIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITYCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAA global approach of the intermediary object: A case study in virtual environmentAL KHATIB, Ahmad; MAHDJOUB, Morad; BLUNTZER, Jean-Bernard; SAGOT, Jean-Claude. Université de technologie Belfort-MontbéliardVIRTUAL AND GEOMETRIC MODELSSurvey of jointed rock mass from 3D point clouds for the wedge stability analysisMENÉNDEZ DÍAZ, Agustín; ORDÓÑEZ GALÁN, Celestino; BOUZA RODRÍGUEZ, Benito; GARCÍA CORTÉS, Silverio Universidad de Oviedo3D Human Face Modelling: Soft Tissues LandmarkingZOMPI, Antonio; TORNINCASA, Stefano; VEZZETTI, Enrico; MOOS, Sandro; VIOLANTE, Mariagrazia; MARCOLIN, Federica DIGEP-Politecnico di TorinoTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de CantabriaImplementation of Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering CollegesGARCÍA ALONSO, Jesús Manuel; SORIANO HERAS, Enrique; GARCÍA VICARIO, Imanol; BLAYA HARO, Fernando CARLOS III DE MADRID, POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, SALESIANOS ATOCHAGeometric documentation of mining industrial historical heritage: application to a metallic headframe from the ancient mining district in Linares-La Carolina (Jaen)MONTALVO GIL, Juan Manuel; ROJAS SOLA, José Ignacio; CASTRO GARCÍA, Miguel Universidad de JaénAdding value to natural fiber reinforced materials by means of product design and developmentJULIÁN, Fernando; VERDAGUER, Narcis; TRESSERRAS, Josep; ESPINACH, Francesc Xavier University of GironaGeometric documentation of the flour factory El puente Colgante in Aranjuez (Madrid)MILLÁN GHISLERI, Juan; ROJAS SOLA, José Ignacio; SAN ANTONIO GÓMEZ, Carlos Technical University of Madrid & University of JaénGeometric documentation of mining industrial historical heritage: application to a Cornish pumping engine house from the ancient mining district in Linares-La Carolina (Jaen)ROJAS SOLA, José Ignacio; MONTALVO GIL, Juan Manuel; CASTRO GARCÍA, Miguel UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉNEngineering and Architecture Applications based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVCARVAJAL, Fernando; AGÜERA, Francisco; PÉREZ, Mónica University of AlmeriaVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND PROTOTYPING FOR HUMAN HEALTH3D Human Face Modelling: Soft Tissues LandmarkingZOMPI, Antonio; TORNINCASA, Stefano; VEZZETTI, Enrico; MOOS, Sandro; VIOLANTE, Mariagrazia; MARCOLIN, Federica DIGEP-Politecnico di TorinoDesign and processing of a virtual female pelvic cavity for gynecological and obstetrical teaching of medical studentsPATROUIX,Laurent; QUAEGEBEUR, Philippe; GIRAUDET,Géraldine; BRIEU, Mathias; COSSON, Michel; LECOMTE, Pauline. Ecole Centrale de LilleA global approach of the intermediary object: A case study in virtual environmentAL KHATIB, Ahmad; MAHDJOUB, Morad; BLUNTZER, Jean-Bernard; SAGOT, Jean-Claude. Université de technologie Belfort-MontbéliardCOMPUTINGCAE, CADCAD Data Workflow toward the Thermal Simulation and Visualization in Virtual RealityNUGRAHA BAHAR, Yudi; LANDRIEU, Jérémie; PERE, Christian; NICOLLE, Christophe Arts et Metiers ParisTech FranceTeaching geometric modeling and analysis of tensegrity structuresGOMEZ JAUREGUI, Valentin; OTERO, Cesar; ARIAS, Ruben; MANCHADO, Cristina Universidad de Cantabria |